Wednesday 10 August 2016

Get to know our computers!

Hi and greetings to all!

So basically each and every one of us had used a computer at least once in our life, in fact many of us use the computer everyday! The modern era nowadays compelled us to use the computer in our daily life, but do we actually know how our computer works?

The first most important question is, what is a computer?

A computer is an electronic device that performs four basic operations: input, process, output and storage.

So how does computers process all the information ?

Here is the standard Input-Process-Output (IPO) model that shows the cycle of information processing:

IPO model
Input means we enter the data into the computer. For example, we type in the words into the computer using the keyboard.

Process means the computer is transforming the data into information.

Output means the result is presented. For example, the words are displayed on the monitor screen.

Storage means the data, programs or outputs are saved for future use.

Most people think that data and information is the same thing, however that statement is wrong.

In short, information is data that has been processed into meaningful form and is useful to us.

So the next time you use the computer, you will already know which part of the process you're doing!

As I'm typing this post, I am actually inserting the data (input) and the computer is processing my data into information (process) and as you can read this on your screen, that is the output and as I saved this post into my blogger account, that's the storage part.

Ta-da! New knowledge gained every day :)


  1. pretty blog! :) thanks for sharing the informations about computers x

  2. This blog is cool and nice! Its so interestig to read :D
